Pleasure Beads
Pleasure Beads or Sex Beads are for both men and woman to be enjoyed as an extra orgasm enhancer. They are used as an anal Sex Toy, either by yourself or with a partner and can also be used in the vagina if you so choose. They resemble a short strand of beads or pearls with a handle or ring at the end and are round, smooth spheres made out of plastic or silicone.
Pleasure Beads can either be soft to the touch or be hard and textured whichever you prefer. The Sex Beads are to be gently inserted one bead at the time and when the orgasm occurs, they are to be slowly pulled out. The Pleasure Beads or Sex Beads come in various sizes from small, medium to large and the anal sex “beginner” should find it most pleasurable to start with the small size and gradually step up to a larger Sex Beads.
Why Sex Beads give an extra intense orgasm sensation is, since the outer sphincter of the anus has many sensitive nerve endings as well, the movement of the Sex Beads will produce an even greater orgasm as a result.