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Classic Vibrators

Classic Vibrators are your traditional vibrator without all the extras. It you are a beginner, the classic vibrator is a good introduction. There are many ways to use a vibrator and this type of vibe will keep it simple for you until you move up to something more complex.

Usually a classic vibrator is torpedo shaped with a turn knob on the bottom for adjusting various speeds. They come in various lengths and some are mini sized. These are great for travel or just keeping in a purse or pocket. They are also available in a multitude of colors and combinations of colors.

Classic vibrators usually don’t have more than three or four speeds of vibration and can be used for vaginal, clitoral, and anal stimulation. There are many classic vibes that look like something other than a vibrator such as a flash light, hair brush, or a candy bar. Any classic vibrator will get you off.

B Yours Double Pop Eggs with Remote Control - Green/Lime